Month January 2023

How to fix “.gitignore not working” issue?

Sometimes git does not exclude files/folders added .gitignore especially if you had committed them before. Here is how to fix it. I am ignoring node_modules from frontend project as an example ### Format1 ###node_modules/node/### Format2 ###**/frontend/node_modules/****/frontend/node/** git rm -r –cached . git add .git…

Setup ELK Stack to capture Spring Boot logs

ELK stack is one of the good stack available to organize and visualize Spring Boot application logs. So, what’s ELK Stack? “ELK” is the acronym for three open source projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine.…

HTTP Requests in Java

We have many libraries in Java to make HTTP requests and get information from external API. HttpClient This is added in Java 9 and latest LTS that has is Java 11. To use this, first build a request then make…